How to survive depression in 5 steps

Lets start off by quickly saying that we at blushsugar know the pain of mental illness. Here are some of the ways we've stayed alive.

5: Support. Surround your self with real and honest people. Having bad people just makes you feel like shit not to mention the drama is unreal.

4: eat, sleep and everything around the same time everyday. Pschologist always suggest having a daily routine. Helps keeps your body happy and a happy body is a healthy mind.

3: 7-8 hours of sleep. No its not just an option its what you need.

2: think about how how your death would affect friends. Yes they care or if not i would cry for a stranger know your loved.

1: allow yourself to break for 5-10 mins frequently. To relax and focus on yourself. If you can't respect yourself you can't get better. Your emotional dont focus on it. Its really hard but if you try you will do it.

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