Tips For Job Interviews

hey everyone

so I've been desperately looking for a new job, I've done 3 interviews in a month and not one call. while that sucks for me I figured I'd take advantage of my broke-ness and turn it in to something positive for those of you that are also looking for a job right now

Say you love your clients.
In a retail position, or any position really all any employer wants to know is how much of a suck up you are to your clients and how you'll do anything to make them happy. so bring up the importance and how much you value your clients satisfaction as many times as possible during an interview

plan some answers ahead of time
write down some potential interview questions, and find some amazing answers to them ahead of time so you're not stuck in the middle of an interview scratching your head. then memorize those answers and adapt them for different jobs. I wont reply to a question at a clothing store the same way I will if I'm applying for a position in cosmetics, but they will have the same basic structure.

Dress like you want the job
if you show up in jeans and a stained tee shirt i guarantee you won't be getting hired by anyone. even if the place you are interviewing at is a more laid back environment, it is an interview dress up. show that this job is important to you and that you took the time to dress well, your possible-future employers will notice that.

Have questions for your interviewer
at every interview I've ever been to it has always finished with 'do you have any questions for me?'. say something. anything. first off its quite awkward when you don't and second it shows that you really want this job and have thought about it enough to come up with some questions for them. if anything Google questions to ask during an interview and have a few in mind so you don't get stuck at the en of your interview

bring your CV to your interview
usually when you go for an interview the person interviewing you will ask you to bring a copy of your CV anyway. it's better to have it and to look prepared, than to give off the impression you where unprepared for your interview. that will also lead them to believe you are unprepared in general and don't see the job opportunity you are applying for as your priority

good luck to all of you looking for a job out there, i hope this gave you some tips and tricks to help you with your next interview, from us at blushsugar.

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