How To De-Stress

Everyone has stress in their lives, right now in the holiday season you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed, so today I'm going to share some tips on how to de-stress with you.

Go Outside
going for a walk or just getting a few minutes in nature is a great way to calm your mind, and it helps to boost your endorphins

this one is one of my favourite tips. there are tons of adult colouring books on the market right now and are known to help de stress a busy mind. I love the Johanna Basford colouring books, there so detailed and the illustrations are really pretty.

Drink a cup of tea
having a nice warm beverage always feels and tastes good, so make your favourite drink and relax. Recently I've been loving making caramel macchiato's and Chai tea latte's in my keurig.

Take a bath
What better way to de-stress than soaking in a hot bath with lots of bubbles? throw in your favorite bubble bath, light some candles, and let all your worries pop away like the bubbles.

reading is a great way to calm down, it takes you out of the stresses of your everyday life and brings you to wherever you're reading about instead.

Thanks for reading, I hope this post gave you some useful tips to de-stress this holiday season, from us at blushsugar

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