Tips For Job Interviews

hey everyone

so I've been desperately looking for a new job, I've done 3 interviews in a month and not one call. while that sucks for me I figured I'd take advantage of my broke-ness and turn it in to something positive for those of you that are also looking for a job right now

Say you love your clients.
In a retail position, or any position really all any employer wants to know is how much of a suck up you are to your clients and how you'll do anything to make them happy. so bring up the importance and how much you value your clients satisfaction as many times as possible during an interview

plan some answers ahead of time
write down some potential interview questions, and find some amazing answers to them ahead of time so you're not stuck in the middle of an interview scratching your head. then memorize those answers and adapt them for different jobs. I wont reply to a question at a clothing store the same way I will if I'm applying for a position in cosmetics, but they will have the same basic structure.

Dress like you want the job
if you show up in jeans and a stained tee shirt i guarantee you won't be getting hired by anyone. even if the place you are interviewing at is a more laid back environment, it is an interview dress up. show that this job is important to you and that you took the time to dress well, your possible-future employers will notice that.

Have questions for your interviewer
at every interview I've ever been to it has always finished with 'do you have any questions for me?'. say something. anything. first off its quite awkward when you don't and second it shows that you really want this job and have thought about it enough to come up with some questions for them. if anything Google questions to ask during an interview and have a few in mind so you don't get stuck at the en of your interview

bring your CV to your interview
usually when you go for an interview the person interviewing you will ask you to bring a copy of your CV anyway. it's better to have it and to look prepared, than to give off the impression you where unprepared for your interview. that will also lead them to believe you are unprepared in general and don't see the job opportunity you are applying for as your priority

good luck to all of you looking for a job out there, i hope this gave you some tips and tricks to help you with your next interview, from us at blushsugar.

How much does my face cost

So today I'm going to be breaking down exactly how much my face costs. I saw someone post something similar about how much Kim Kardashian ' daily face cost and thought it was pretty interesting,  I'm just going to be covering my daily skin care routine today but my make-up routine might be a future post

Eye make-up remover
Coconut oil; about 20$ for a huge jar that's big enough to last like ten years

Mary Cohr fresh cleansing cream; 44$ the main active ingredient in this cleanser is aloe and it smells like candy

Declaré tender toning lotion; 27$
A basic soothing toner to balance the pH of the skin

Eye cream
Declaré youth supreme eye cream; 65$ a nice hydrating eye cream , concentrated with many active ingredients

Protection cream
Mary cohr nutrizen cream;88$
A rich cream for dry skin lacking on oils

Mary Cohr nutrizen mask; 42$
This is a cream mask that's great for very dry, dehydrated skin or a skin that is just starting to show signs of ageing

Lip balm
Burt's bees coconut lip balm;4$
A nice clear hydrating lip balm in a tube format. Has a light coconut scent.

So the total of all of that... 290.00$
That feels like a lot more than it is since I buy my skincare products so infrequently. Wow.. so yeah. That's how much my daily skin care costs thanks for reading from us at blushsugar


Do's And Dont's For Acne

hey acne sufferers! today's post is for you, I'm gonna share a few of my do's and dont's for an acneic skin!


wash your face
washing your face regularly and with the appropriate products will help to fight the bacteria that causes acne and balance the pH levels of the skin so it's less likely to come back


use products with alcohol
many products, especially those marketed for oily skin; contain alcohol. this dries out the skin and is anti-bacterial, but will leave your skin parched and cause the pH of your skin to get thrown off balance, so it won't fix the problem and will only lead to more issues in the skin


pop the pimples correctly
wash your hands first, and use a piece of tissue to cover your fingers. this way the bacteria from under your nails doesn't get into the pores, and your nails wont scratch the skin and leave marks, afterwards be sure to cleanse your hands and your skin thoroughly so you don't leave the bacteria sitting on your skin where it can spread and create more acne.

attack your face
don't go at your at face non stop until everything comes out, you will leave scars on your skin, cause inflammation and redness and most likely wont even be able to get everything out, if it isn't coming out it is either not ready to and you will have to wait another day or two, or it is underneath the skin in the form of a cyst or nodule


using an enzymatic exfoliant will eat away at the dead skin cells and the proteins bonding them to the skin without disrupting live skin. this way you're skin will be able to receive more oxygen and that will help to eliminate acne because the acne bacteria likes to live in places with less air circulation

use a mechanical exfoliant
using a mechanical exfoliant will actually be harmful to an acneic skin. acne is a form of inflammation and it is sensitive, the mechanical exfoliant will be too abrasive for a skin rendered sensitive from acne, because off the rubbing motion made when exfoliating it will stimulate the sebaceous gland to produce more oil, and it will also give the opportunity to the bacteria to migrate to other parts of the face

hydrate the skin
just because a skin is oily or acneic doesn't mean it can't be dehydrated at the same time. if the skin is being dehydrated it will actually trigger the brain to send more oil because it will interpret the dehydration as lacking oils and try to repair it. use a light moisturiser or a gel formula daily.

use overly rich creams

don't apply a moisturiser made for a dry skin, this is not the same as a dehydrated skin and the cream will likely contain more nourishing and fat and oil based ingredients. this will clog the pores and be too much for an oily skin to handle, you will notice yourself being even more shiny throughout the day and can increase acne.

That's it for my list of does and dont's for acne sufferers, I hope this post helped and gave you some new tips on managing your skin, and dealing with acne, thanks so much for reading from us at blushsugar

How To De-Stress

Everyone has stress in their lives, right now in the holiday season you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed, so today I'm going to share some tips on how to de-stress with you.

Go Outside
going for a walk or just getting a few minutes in nature is a great way to calm your mind, and it helps to boost your endorphins

this one is one of my favourite tips. there are tons of adult colouring books on the market right now and are known to help de stress a busy mind. I love the Johanna Basford colouring books, there so detailed and the illustrations are really pretty.

Drink a cup of tea
having a nice warm beverage always feels and tastes good, so make your favourite drink and relax. Recently I've been loving making caramel macchiato's and Chai tea latte's in my keurig.

Take a bath
What better way to de-stress than soaking in a hot bath with lots of bubbles? throw in your favorite bubble bath, light some candles, and let all your worries pop away like the bubbles.

reading is a great way to calm down, it takes you out of the stresses of your everyday life and brings you to wherever you're reading about instead.

Thanks for reading, I hope this post gave you some useful tips to de-stress this holiday season, from us at blushsugar

The cure is worst than the illness

I suffer from anxiety,depression and insomnia. Since the age of 4.

But this next information isn't about me; but instead it is about educating yourself on the dangers of "some" key word is some medication's that are prescribed regularly but, medicine my be more dangerous than doctor's lead on.

Again not all doctor's are alike and you can't fix your medical problems (well most of them) from a Google search.

I have always read pill information so side effects were always not too much of a fear for me. After begging my doctor from years of not sleeping she gave me one medication that's side effects made me scared. "May cause sleepiness,  appetite changes, sexual dysfunction,  do not use this medication while driving, can cause confusion and trouble with memory" that's just the common risks the major risks include "self harm without awareness of your own actions and harm on others"

I feel like taking something that could also "worsen insomnia" is dangerous.

many people just start taking a medication right away without doing any research on it. It is very important to stay informed about what you are putting in to your body, I actually suffer from high blood pressure from being on my medication for so many years. And have experienced psychosis from others

So keep yourself safe read the instructions and stay well in communication with your doctor.

How to stay motivated on bad days

We all have off days. It's inevitable. But just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean you can't make the best of it, here are some tips for staying motivated.

Set realistic goals.

When thinking of goals you usually tend to think of what you want most in life. And those are some pretty big things. Weather it's getting married or buying a house, setting a huge goal can make you feel hopeless. Set smaller more obtainable goals that will help you get closer to your dreams.

Look good, feel good.

I always feel better when I feel like I look awesome. So on those days you don't even wanna get out of bed take a few extra minutes to pamper yourself. Take a nice shower, do your hair and makeup in a way that makes you feel like you can do anything, and rock your favorite outfit.  You'll feel eay more put together and ready to face life.

Get outside

Nature is supposed to be the magic cure to everything. And sometimes it really can be, going for a walk even for just 5 minutes can really help to refresh your mind and body and help you to focus more.

Take care of yourself

Make sure your eating properly and getting enough water and sleep everyday. Those little things like skipping a snack or going to bed late can really throw you off. If you're having trouble with that you may want to consider reaching out to your doctor for some advice, just because someone else has it worse doesn't mean you aren't deserving of help too.

Allow yourself some leniency.

Just because you aren't where you thought you would be right now doesn't mean you're worthless or you should give up on yourself. I'm actually guilty of doing this a lot. But one quote that really helps to keep me grounded is "you can't compare your middle to someone else's ending" you're going to get everything you want and deserve in life.  But patience, and perseverance is key. If you stop trying all together it's impossible to get to your goals. Just breath and take your time. It'll be worth it in the end

Thanks for reading, I hope these tips helped you to make your bad day a little bit better,  stay motivated and keep going from us at blush sugar

How to increase chances of someone liking you

Keep in mind you can't physcally push someone to love you here are tips to help increases your chances.

1: Attachment (in distance) 
Try and spend more time like hang out more even if its in a group be chill and dont force it.

2: mentality (idea's and what they stamd for)
Do you believe in his/her/their idea's tell them. Tell them what you like. Helps them know you think their cool.

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